USWIM December Study Break

Date: Friday 12/15/23, 3-4pm ET (1-132)

Join us for boba, Christmas cookies, and other snacks!

USWIM Cookies and Board Game Night

Date: Sunday 9/17/23, 7-8pm ET (2-290)

Math in Industries 2023

Date: Friday 9/9/23, 5:30-7:30pm ET (1-190)

USWIM Exec Dinner

Date: 2/8/21, 5-6pm ET

Come join us for dinner!


Date: 1/7/21, 8-9pm ET

Come play your favorite card or social deduction game with USWIM!


Date: 12/4/20, 8-9pm ET

Come do trivia with members of the USWIM and the Undergraduate Economics Association!


Date: 12/5, 5-6pm ET

Mid-semester check-in :)


Date: 11/1, 2-3pm ET

Come hang out with some USWIM members! Complain about your classes, tell us about a cool bug you saw, philosophize about the meaning of life. BYOT (bring your own tea).


Date: 10/9, 8-10pm ET

Come play Among Us (among other games) with people from the undergraduate society of women in math and the undergraduate society of mathematics in investment.

Math in Industries

Date: 9/28, 6:30-8:30pm ET

A panel put on by USWIM of gender minorities working in industry. They’ll talk about their lives, how their genders play a role in their jobs, and how they use math day to day! Followed by a networking session. All genders and majors are welcome to attend.


Date: 9/27, 1-2pm ET

Come hang out with some USWIM members! Tell us about your favorite class, a funny zoom moment, tell us about your alternate life on a farm. BYOT (bring your own tea).

Code Names

Date: 9/11, 8-9pm ET

Play codenames with USWIM! (Alternate description: watch aleena get visibly stressed about being code master)

9/11 GBM

Date: 9/11, 5-6pm ET

Beginning of the semester general body meeting to explain membership policies and say hey to some new faces :)